Restoration Family Services Forms

“Helping families provide missing pieces”

Welcome to the Restoration Family Services, Inc.’s “Service Forms” platform.


Please fill in all required fields *:




    I have read or had explained to me information concerning consumer rights as presented by Restoration Family Services, Inc. (RFS).

    I further acknowledge that I have been presented a copy of the Consumer Handbook, which contains rules each employee is expected to follow and possible penalties for their violation.
    ● Information regarding the disclosure of confidential information
    ● How to obtain a copy of the consumer’s treatment/habilitation plan
    ● Grievance procedure including the appropriate staff person to contact
    ● Information regarding policy for discharge from services
    ● Information regarding policy for search and seizure
    ● Fees and Collection Practices
    ● Right to contact Disability Rights of North Carolina (formerly GACPD) at 919-856-2195
    ● Permitted restrictive intervention, protective device will not be used
    ● The purpose, goals, and reinforcement structure of any behavior management system used by the RFS staff has been explained
    ● Information that the legally responsible person of a minor or an incompetent consumer has been informed that he/she may request a notification after each use of a restrictive intervention and any request to be notified is documented (if restrictive intervention are permitted by RFS staff)
    ● I have been informed that a legally competent adult consumer may designate an individual to be notified after any use of a restrictive intervention or rights restriction and, that the notification will be documented

    My signature acknowledges that I have read, had training, and understand the policy on Consumer Rights.

    Please write your signature in the box below:*

    Stand: 12/23/2021
